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The Wedge Surf Cam

Huge wave rolls in while body surfers try to catch it

Catch all of big wave action live with the Wedge surf cam.  The Wedge is a very popular spot, not only for sunbathing on a large beach but for body surfing and surfing.  This is a fun place to sit at the edge of the sand, where the beach meets the jetty, and watch body surfers take on the huge waves.

When conditions are right, huge swells will instantly build up and break making this a great webcam to follow all of the action on the beach and in the water.


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About the Wedge

The Wedge in California is one of the most legendary and exciting surf spots in the world. Located at the extreme east end of the Balboa Peninsula, The Wedge is where the Pacific Ocean meets the Newport Harbor entrance, creating massive waves that attract top surfers and adventurous spectators from all over.

What makes The Wedge so unique is the configuration of the beach and jetties that funnel incoming swells and reflect them back into each other, doubling the size and power of the waves. On a big south swell, the backwash from the harbor entrance slams into the next incoming wave, jacking it up into a churning, wedge-shaped peak that can reach up to 30 feet high.

The Wedge is not for the faint of heart or inexperienced surfers. The sheer power and size of the waves, combined with the shallow sand bottom and strong currents, make it one of the most challenging and dangerous surf breaks in California. Only the most skilled and daring surfers attempt to ride The Wedge when it's firing on all cylinders.

Despite the risks, the thrill and adrenaline rush of surfing The Wedge is unparalleled. Surfers who manage to catch and make a wave at The Wedge earn instant respect and bragging rights within the surfing community. It's a true test of skill, courage, and athleticism to navigate the heaving barrels and avoid the pounding shorebreak.

The best time to witness the spectacle of The Wedge is during the summer and fall months, particularly from June through September. This is when southern hemisphere swells generated by storms in the South Pacific send powerful waves towards the California coast. As these swells collide with the Newport Harbor jetty, they create the perfect conditions for The Wedge to come alive.

However, the biggest and most intense waves at The Wedge typically occur during major hurricane swells in August and September. When a large hurricane forms off the coast of Mexico and tracks northward, it can send massive swells towards Southern California, producing once-in-a-lifetime conditions at The Wedge. Waves can easily exceed 20-25 feet on the face during these epic swells.

One of the most famous hurricane swells to hit The Wedge in recent memory was Hurricane Marie in August 2014. The swell from Marie generated waves up to 30 feet high at The Wedge, drawing huge crowds of spectators and a brave group of big wave surfers who paddled out to tackle the behemoths. The footage and photos from that swell went viral and cemented The Wedge's reputation as a world-class wave.

When the waves are pumping at The Wedge, it's not uncommon for thousands of spectators to line the beach and cliffs to watch the action. The sheer energy and power of the waves crashing onto shore is a mesmerizing sight, even for those who have no intention of getting in the water. Watching skilled surfers launch themselves into the pitching peaks and race through cavernous barrels is a breathtaking experience.

However, The Wedge is not without its dangers, even for those on shore. The backwash from the waves can sweep unsuspecting beachgoers off their feet and drag them into the churning whitewater. Rogue waves can also crash much further up the beach than expected, catching people by surprise. It's important for spectators to stay alert, listen to lifeguards, and maintain a safe distance from the water's edge.

For surfers brave enough to charge The Wedge, the rewards are immense, but so are the risks. The powerful waves and strong currents can easily snap surfboards, cause injuries, and hold surfers underwater for extended periods. The Wedge has a reputation for dishing out severe beatings to even the most experienced surfers. It's not uncommon to see surfers limping back to shore with bloody noses, gashes, or even broken bones.

Despite the hazards, The Wedge remains a bucket-list destination for many surfers around the world. The chance to catch a massive, barreling wave at such an iconic spot is a dream come true for those who have the skills and courage to take it on. The feeling of adrenaline pumping through your veins as you drop into a 20-foot wave at The Wedge is an unparalleled rush.

Even for non-surfers, a visit to The Wedge is a must-do experience when in Newport Beach. The raw power and beauty of the ocean is on full display here, reminding us of the incredible force of nature. Watching the waves crash and explode against the shore is a humbling and awe-inspiring sight that leaves a lasting impression.

If you're planning a trip to Newport Beach to witness The Wedge in action, be sure to check the surf forecast and swell conditions in advance. The Wedge only breaks at its full potential during specific swell angles and sizes, so timing your visit right can make all the difference. Keep in mind that parking can be challenging on big swell days, so arrive early to secure a spot.

While The Wedge is undoubtedly the main attraction, Newport Beach has plenty of other excellent surf spots and beaches to explore. The Newport Pier, 56th Street, and Blackies are all popular breaks that offer more mellow and accessible waves for surfers of various skill levels. The Balboa Peninsula is also home to a vibrant beach community with shops, restaurants, and bars to enjoy after a day in the sun.

For those who love to travel and surf, experiencing The Wedge should definitely be on your bucket list. The sheer power and size of the waves, combined with the unique geography of the beach, make it a one-of-a-kind surfing destination. Even if you're not a surfer, witnessing the raw energy of The Wedge in person is an unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe of the ocean's might.

It's important to remember that while The Wedge is an incredible spectacle, it's also a dangerous and unpredictable force of nature. Always respect the power of the ocean, heed the warnings of lifeguards, and know your limits. The Wedge has claimed lives and caused countless injuries over the years, so safety should always be the top priority.

Whether you're a surfer looking to test your skills on some of the most challenging waves in California or simply a beach lover in search of a breathtaking natural wonder, a visit to The Wedge in Newport Beach is an experience you won't soon forget. Just remember to respect the ocean, prioritize safety, and enjoy the incredible power and beauty of this iconic surf spot.

Watch live from the Wedge Surf Cam.

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